This is my story: 

I have vaccine injuries from the Pfizer.

After the second jab I ended up in hospital with internal Inflammation - my bowels stopped working and were inflamed alongside my old spinal injury which led me not being able to walk for a week or being able to pass a bowel movement in 12 days.

I wasn't aware that the jab had done this up until I had the booster and again I ended up at the doctors 4 x 2 x ER visits and then ended up in respite care after dealing with the injuries the vaccine had caused neurologically and physically.

I was inflamed again with my heart and all internal muscles I was in so much pain for so long. I had pins and needles in my arms and hands. I had uncontrollable muscle spasm all over my body from my legs to my chest. I was nauseous and couldn't eat for a week. I lost 7 kgs after the booster. I have tingling on the end of my tongue and I still have muscle spasm in both my legs.

It took a toll on me mentally where I was thinking there was no light at the end of the tunnel and was considering suicide.

I now suffer from PTSD from all of this.

People need to hear they are not alone as I thought I was.