This is my story: 

Hi there, my name is Estella.

I am 34 years old and mum to Ava, aged 2.

I want to share my experience and what has helped me as I was a fit and active mum before the vaccine with no prior heart issues and it has changed my life irreparably.

I have found some relief with natural remedies and I want to share them in the hope I can help others too. This is not medical advice but my experience and may help others.

On 5th September 2021 I had my first Pfizer vaccine. I had no immediate symptoms other than a really sore arm for a few days and fatigue.

3 days later I was gardening and got exerted and had my first episode of tachycardia. It lasted for hours and I called the Healthline and my mother came over with a blood pressure monitor and my blood pressure was high. I continued having these tachycardia episodes a few times per week and they would last for hours.

I noticed I became more sensitive to my usual intake of caffeine so I cut down as this would set off the tachycardia.

I was in denial that it could be from the vaccine so did not seek medical help at that stage.

In January 2022 my partner and I had our house on the market. I became a bit stressed with this process.

My tachycardia episodes became constant and have been like this ever since. I contacted the Healthline again and as suggested visited my doctor who ran blood tests and I had my first ECG.

I was first hospitalised a few days later (24th January) when I hung out some washing (felt the tachycardia come on) and drove up the road and around the corner (was heading to a building inspection) before I had to pull over. My heart rate was at 154 bpm (resting heart rate is usually 60-70 bpm), I felt ill, sweating, like I was going to faint/ die, short of breath and had chest pain/ a pressure like someone was sitting on my chest. I called the ambulance and they administered an Aspirin and did an ECG. The paramedic said I did not look well (I felt that if it had of taken longer for them to arrive I may have died.) By the time they did the ECG my heart rate had regulated after the Aspirin. I was taken to hospital where more tests were performed. I felt better and went to walk back to my car as I had to be home to pick up my daughter from daycare.

At this stage I had been fit and active (a competitive surfcaster) and had no problems going for a short walk but the tachycardia came back and I felt I could not walk my usual rate and had to walk very slowly. I could see my heart rate raising on my Fitbit. I picked my daughter up from daycare and was called back into the hospital for overnight monitoring in AAU. I was given a portable monitor so I was able to be active and move around. I noticed my heart rate would raise significantly if I sat up, stood up or went for a short walk. I had blood tests and a chest x-ray.

At the end of the overnight stay I was discharged and told I had anxiety. On my records they said I have tachycardia and high cholesterol at a level of 7 and that a follow up should be made to consider statins.

When I was told it was anxiety I said I have had anxiety before and I know my body and this is nothing like any anxiety I have ever experienced before. I was prescribed Propranolol 40img. I researched the medication and contacted my GP and asked if I could be prescribed the anxiety dose for Propranolol (10 mg up to 3 x daily) as my diagnosis had been anxiety so I was unsure why I had been put on 40 mg.

I started taking the lower dose of Propranolol and it was not controlling the tachycardia despite taking the maximum dose. I started to feel exhausted and was extremely ill. I had fevers, chills, diarrhoea, vomiting, double vision, dizziness, short of breath as well as the tachycardia.

I put this down to side effects of the Propranolol which I think some of it was, but am wondering if I may have had Omicron as my daughter also had a profusely running nose at the time (this was before RAT testing came out). My mum has had prior heart issues and she tried to get her cardiologist appointment swapped with me but they couldn't do it as it would be a new referral. What the cardiologists nurse said blew me away. She said there are a lot of young people having this, the tests they are running at the hospital are not diagnosing the issues, you need an Echocardiogram. They have also taken all the specialists (cardiologists) off the ED ward and placed junior doctors on so they are not being admitted to CCU.

I had another really bad night of tachycardia and called the ambulance. The paramedics arrived and administered an Aspirin again and ran an ECG. I believe they picked up something from the ECG but my heart rate once again regulated and they asked me if I wanted to stay at home and I was tired so said yes.

A few hours later the tachycardia returned and I was taken to hospital by ambulance and admitted to ED. They checked my temperature and I had a fever but I wasn't tested for Covid. I fell asleep in ED. In the morning a junior doctor came to discharge me. She said you are fine, your resting heart rate was 60 bpm while sleeping. It's just anxiety. I asked about the ECG (meaning the one taken by the paramedics) she thought I was undermining her and snapped at me. I started taking 40 mg Propranolol cut in half (20 mg morning and night). I got really bad and was barely functioning by this point.

I would usually walk my daughter to daycare a few times per week and could no longer do it, I stopped driving out of fear I would get an episode, I couldn't walk around a shop without it happening. I noticed I could no longer wear a face mask in the shops without it imposing on my breathing and elevating my heart rate.

My sleeping had been effected by the beta-blockers to the point where I was so exhausted I would have large naps during the day and also sleep through tea. I would wake up at midnight and be awake for a few hours before falling back asleep.

I couldn't do much housework at all either. I would usually have a shower in the morning and I could no longer stand up in the shower without feeling ill so I had to start having baths.

I contacted my doctor again to try and get my medication revised. I was prescribed Betaloc instead and sent in to have another ECG. When I went in for the ECG it was normal again as the Beta-blockers would control the tachycardia to some extent.

The nurse running the ECG asked me a lot of questions and I was truthful to her. She said I shouldn't be telling you this but you just told me word for word what I experienced after the first jab. This was an aha moment like I had met my Vax injured twin. She was also similar age to me (33).

At this stage I was still thinking it maybe anxiety because I had been gas-lit so much by the medical profession. When going fishing I could no longer sprint to my rod when I had a fish on like I usually would.

I then had another tachycardia episode where my heart rate went up to 174 bpm just walking to the bathroom when waking up. I yelled out to my partner to call an ambulance I thought I was going to die again. He asked me if I had taken my medication and got me to take it and lie down. My heart rate regulated. While this was happening I recorded it as I felt like I had been gas-lit so much by the medical system that I wanted proof!

I continued to feel like rubbish and ended up asking my dad to take me to ED again that day. I had had enough by this point. I showed the ED staff the video. I expressed what has been happening and said I deserve to have services of an appropriate standard. I still do not have a diagnosis.

I was admitted to CCU and put on a telemetry again. I spent the majority of my time in bed which wasn't helpful as I get symptoms when I sit up, stand up or an walking/exercising. The ward was near empty which I thought was odd as I had been a regular there previously for my mum and it was always full.

I overheard the nurses talking for their morning meeting and them saying they thought I had sinus tachycardia. I met the cardiologist for about 5 minutes. I requested an echocardiogram but was denied it and he ordered a 48 hour Holter monitor test.

I had a stress test on the treadmill and despite the stress test raising my heart rate very high they said it was normal although I saw the nurse looking very closely at the ECG like she had seen something on it.

I had the Holter monitor test (still have not received the results) I also had a sit stand test to test for POTS.

I failed the sit stand test by 10 bpm (heart rate has to raise by 30 bpm). I was still on the Beta-blockers at this stage. At that time I said to my doctor I want to come off the Beta-blockers I am not feeling well on them. I have found that when being administered Aspirin in the ambulance it has regulated my heart rate so she prescribed a high dose Asprin instead (300 mg). She said the POTS test is not very reliable and I would need to have a tilt table test which could be ordered if something comes up on the Holter monitor test. She then recommended that I look into lifestyle changes for POTS.

I started to hydrate with electrolytes (am living off Loaded Zero and Poweraide Zero). I would sit up slower and stand up slower. I started walking my daughter to daycare again despite the fear and feeling absolute rubbish. I came off the betablockers and went onto the high dose Aspirin. This was incredibly scary for me as my heart rate was very irregular when coming off the Beta-blockers. The Aspirin helped a bit but still was not controlling my heart rate completely.

Here comes my WOW moment and this is what has improved my life significantly. I went with my partner to the local organic health shop as he needed to pick up something. I was going to ask for some heart drops but they were out of stock. I saw that the Naturopath was there administering to another person so I waited. I thought bugger it I have nothing to lose. I had been like this for two months by this stage and getting no where closer to a diagnosis or medical treatment. I waited standing and while I was waiting I had a huge sweat up. Sweat was dripping down my back, I felt dizzy and short of breath and my heart rate was high and I did not feel well. When it was my turn I told her my symptoms. I didn't mention that I believed it to be from the vaccine as up until this point I have just been looked at like a wacco.. She said is it because of this (tapping her arm) I broke down and said yes. She said not another one.

She made me up a tincture of Motherwort, Hawthorn berries, Lime flowers and Siberian Ginseng. She said the Ginseng is for the energy loss. She said she had had a lot of other people come in with the same symptoms. She gave me a course of Wormwood tablets and said to take the Wormwood tablet that afternoon. I started taking the tincture 3 times daily (am down to just morning and night now) and took the Wormwood tablets 3 x daily for 2 days and 2 x daily for 2 days until I ran out but I now know this is not the full course (the Wormwood tablets must not be taken daily but in courses). The Naturopath said that was the last lot of Wormwood tablets the shop had.

This is the point where my life started to change for the better. I felt an immediate improvement. My heart rate was regulating, I had more energy and to be honest I have spent the last few weeks just catching up on housework because our house was such a mess while I had been on medical vacay!

It was the first time in over 2 months my heart rate had gone below 100 and I am now back to my normal 60-70 bpm while resting/ sleeping. I have started to do a few short trips driving and am now back walking my daughter to kindy.

I still have episodes during the day but no where near as severe so I just pace myself and have been limiting exercise and resting where needed. If my heart rate is elevated it usually doesn't go higher than 120 bpm now. I also researched the Wormwood tablets and did you know that the NZ government regulated these back in 2020? They are only available by prescription now and have been used across the world as a treatment for Covid much like I ver mec tin. Wormwood also has very similar properties to I ver mec tin and I believe it has helped me immensely.

If you are anything like me and have felt like your body is literally fighting itself I don't have the complete explanation for how Wormwood works but it fights and kills the spike protein in the virus so I would say if our bodies are now replicating too much of the spike protein after having the vaccine or even a Covid infection Wormwood helps with this.

It's so good the government has tried to stop us from getting it while I ver mec tin has had the limelight. Pm me if you want to know how to obtain it.

This is my current daily schedule. I'm putting this out there because I want to help others and it has taken me some months to get to this stage so if it's effective for you I also want to save you time, money and heart ache (literally) - and I know there are a lot of us out there. I take 300 mg Aspirin in the morning followed by the 5ml tincture of Motherwort 3c, Hawthorn berries 3c, Lime flower 3c and Siberian Ginseng 2c. If I don't take this my heart rate is not regular and I start to experience symptoms again although these are lessening over time. I also take 2 x 200 mg Ibuprofen in the instance I may have Myocarditis or Pericarditis but have been unable to obtain the tests required to diagnose it. I drink electrolytes during the day to stay hydrated. I take the tincture again in the evening and that's it.

Please research the ingredients of the tincture and if you have similar symptoms to me all I can say is it was just over $20 a bottle for me and it has been life changing. I am also trying to get Wormwood tablets into New Zealand so fingers crossed they get here.

I am also looking at switching the Aspirin to Nattokinase (please research) as it is a natural anticoagulant but you can not take it with other anticoagulants so I haven't made the switch yet.

Please share as if this is effective for others in the same or similar predicament that is all I could hope for.

I also have my story on jab injuries nz on Instagram and parts of it were on the Health Forum until the page was removed and a bot page was founded.

I am also a member of True Stories from the Health Forum.