I had the 2nd vaccine on 18.02.22.
I became very unwell after this (was fit and healthy beforehand) and developed Pericarditis.
I have been unwell now for almost 5 weeks.
I am completely unable to work.
I feel alone and unsupported by the health system.
My GP has been supportive but is not seeing patients face to face due to pandemic. He sent me to the emergency department of our rural hospital. The doctor there recognised that there was a serious problem with my heart, he did 2 ECGs, heart x-ray, organ ultrasound, bloods etc.
He recommended that I needed to go to a larger hospital and have a more extensive heart ultrasound. He referred me to Waikato hospital for a heart scan; tried to ring them to get appointment (but no one answered) and told me they are very busy at Waikato. He put urgent on my referral form and told me to ring them Monday morning (it was Friday afternoon). He said it was important my heart was scanned within a week preferably to see what medication I may need. If I couldn't get appointment within a week, he said I should look to go private.
I rang Monday morning and afternoon and Tuesday and Friday. Each time they said no paperwork has come (referral) from Taumarunui (our small town) and they can't find me in the hospital computer system. They said they were unable to give me an appointment without a referral (the ED doctor had forgotten to do my paperwork).
I then had to book a private heart ultrasound and cardiologist appointment. I continued to follow up the lack of paperwork (no discharge summary) from my local hospital. I was told the doctor I saw was not there and it was only him who could complete my discharge summary and referral (he was an out of town doctor).
The private cardiologist I saw confirmed I had Pericarditis. He explained he had applied for another patient with same diagnosis to get vaccine exemption for booster but had been declined each time and was only able to get temporary 6 month exemption, so he concluded that there was no point trying for vaccine exemption.
ACC state that my claim is on hold, awaiting further assessment. It was lodged 20 days ago - I received an emailed today stating that they hope to make a decision on my claim with 4 months.
If it wasn't for the support of my family and partner, I would be a mental wreck.
The health system has completely failed me.