This is my story: 

Started off with the expected sore arm and fatigue.

But then the fatigue didn't go away and approximately 2 weeks after the 1st vax I ended up with tightness in the chest and breathlessness (no previous history).

I also got a lot of inflammatory response, eg the slight pain I have in the tips of my fingers with arthritis is now extremely painful and has moved into my elbows and shoulders.

I had first vax Sept 21 had second vax Dec 21 with all the brainwashing to get it, and being told my experience was rear and it was a coincidence.

Also the narrative of fear, your immune compromised so u should definitely get it.

Now April 22 I live with constant pain and tightness in chest and shortness of breath. It has been rather debilitating to say the least both in the enjoyment and in the activity rate of my life. I used to be nicked named little turbo! Not now sadly.

I'm one of the lucky ones, I'm still alive! The vax has harmed my life, not taken it.