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NZ Vaccine Injury Group

27-8-23: We've just released the above pamphlet!


Real Stories

  • Sarah Valintine

    I suffer from Chronic fatigue syndrome which is an immune system disorder. 

    I wasn't feeling well at the time of vaccination and felt uneasy about getting it but had no choice to wait due to a mandate for my job.

    After my first dose I remained in my bed in a... Read more

  • Tania Martin

    My husband is the one who is vaccine injured.

    He has had an interview with Liz Gunn, his name is Robert Martin.

    Arohamai. His interview is on the Free NZ Facebook page.

  • Marsha Henderson


    I had the 2nd vaccine on 18.02.22.

    I became very unwell after this (was fit and healthy beforehand) and developed Pericarditis.

    I have been unwell now for almost 5 weeks.

    I am completely unable to work.

    I feel alone and unsupported... Read more


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